

B.Com, FCA

CA. OMPRAKASH AJMERA is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and a commerce graduate from MDSU, Ajmer.

He is Senior Partner of Chartered Accountants Firm M/s. AJMERA& AJMERA.
He also serves as an Independent Director in a multinational company, including Dow Jones Consulting India Private Limited and Wall Street Journal India Publishing Private Limited.

His core competencies have been in the areas of Indirect Taxation. He has worked with clients across various industries some prominent ones being, Manufacturing & Service, Logistics & Shipping, Textiles & Garments, chemical plants, etc. He has also experience in areas such as finance and merchant banking, depository participants companies, Domestic Tax, International Tax, and Regulatory Matters, his experience includes assisting clients in all types of Direct Tax Compliances, Domestic and International Tax Advisory, Representations before Tax Authorities and Appellate Levels, Litigation Support, etc.

He can be contacted through:
phone: +91 9022897548
e-mail: om@ajmeraandajmera.co.in

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)