

Our valuation services are designed to provide highly effective and result-oriented solutions for the valuation of enterprises and their related assets. We understand the requirements of our stakeholders and our robust valuation procedures are aligned with global valuation practices.

We can help you with the following types of valuations:
Business valuation: We can help you determine the fair market value of your business, including the value of your assets, liabilities, and goodwill.
Asset valuation: We can help you determine the fair market value of your assets, such as land, buildings, equipment, and inventory.
Liability valuation: We can help you determine the fair market value of your liabilities, such as accounts payable, accrued expenses, and debt.
We use a variety of valuation methods to determine the fair market value of your business or assets, including:
Income approach: This method is based on the present value of future cash flows.
Market approach: This method is based on the prices of similar businesses or assets that have been sold recently..
Cost approach: This method is based on the cost of replacing your business or assets.
We can also help you with the following:
Valuation reports: We can prepare valuation reports that are used for a variety of purposes, such as tax planning, estate planning, and mergers and acquisitions.
Expert witness testimony: We can provide expert witness testimony in court or arbitration proceedings.

Do you have any question?
Feel free to contact us anytime.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)